The TAC is the average historical catch over the last yrsmth (default 5) years, multiplied by (1-xx)

CC1(x, Data, reps = 100, plot = FALSE, yrsmth = 5, xx = 0)

CC2(x, Data, reps = 100, plot = FALSE, yrsmth = 5, xx = 0.1)

CC3(x, Data, reps = 100, plot = FALSE, yrsmth = 5, xx = 0.2)

CC4(x, Data, reps = 100, plot = FALSE, yrsmth = 5, xx = 0.3)

CC5(x, Data, reps = 100, plot = FALSE, yrsmth = 5, xx = 0.4)

CurC(x, Data, reps = 100, plot = FALSE, yrsmth = 1, xx = 0)



A position in the data object


A data object


The number of stochastic samples of the MP recommendation(s)


Logical. Show the plot?


Years over which to calculate mean catches


Parameter controlling the TAC. Mean catches are multiplied by (1-xx)


An object of class Rec with the TAC slot populated with a numeric vector of length reps


The TAC is calculated as: $$\textrm{TAC} = (1-x)C_{\textrm{ave}}$$ where x lies between 0 and 1, and \(C_{\textrm{ave}}\) is average historical catch over the previous yrsmth years.

The TAC is constant for all future projections.


  • CC1: TAC is average historical catch from recent yrsmth years

  • CC2: TAC is average historical catch from recent yrsmth years reduced by 10\

  • CC3: TAC is average historical catch from recent yrsmth years reduced by 20\

  • CC4: TAC is average historical catch from recent yrsmth years reduced by 30\

  • CC5: TAC is average historical catch from recent yrsmth years reduced by 40\

  • CurC: TAC is fixed at last historical catch

Required Data

See Data for information on the Data object

CC1: Cat, LHYear, Year

Rendered Equations

See Online Documentation for correctly rendered equations


Geromont, H. F., and D. S. Butterworth. 2015. Generic Management Procedures for Data-Poor Fisheries: Forecasting with Few Data. ICES Journal of Marine Science: Journal Du Conseil 72 (1). 251-61.

See also

Other Constant Catch MPs: GB_CC()


CC1(1, DLMtool::Cobia, plot=TRUE)
#> TAC (median) #> 793.0111
CC2(1, DLMtool::Cobia, plot=TRUE)
#> TAC (median) #> 721.9369
CC3(1, DLMtool::Cobia, plot=TRUE)
#> TAC (median) #> 640.544
CC4(1, DLMtool::Cobia, plot=TRUE)
#> TAC (median) #> 548.6459
CC5(1, DLMtool::Cobia, plot=TRUE)
#> TAC (median) #> 485.7275
CurC(1, DLMtool::Cobia, plot=TRUE)
#> TAC (median) #> 491.539