Chapter 27 Custom Parameters

By default, DLMtool samples the operating model parameters from a uniform distribution. Because the parameters are sampled independently, it is not possible to generate correlated samples. However, the cpars slot in the OM object can be used to pass custom samples into the MSE.

The addition of the cpars slot provides a lot of flexibility to the DLMtool, and allows users full control of all parameters used in the model. For example, it is possible to generate operating models directly from the output of common stock assessment packages using functions in DLMtool (e.g SS2DLM for Stock Synthesis 3, and iSCAM2DLM for a iSCAM model - Note: these functions have now been moved to MSEtool). These functions take the correlated parameter values from the output of the stock assessment and provide them to DLMtool via the cpars slot, resulting in an operating model that is conditioned on the stock assessment.

The cpars feature is being continually developed as more features are requested for DLMtool.

27.1 Valid cpars names

The cpars slot requires a named list containing the custom parameter values. You can see the valid names for cpars by typing:

##    Var.                       Dim.                         Desc.  Type
## 1    R0 numeric vector length nsim            Virgin recruitment Stock
## 2     M numeric vector length nsim             Natural mortality Stock
## 3  Mexp numeric vector length nsim    Lorenzen M-weight exponent Stock
## 4   Msd numeric vector length nsim Inter-annual variability in M Stock
## 5 Mgrad numeric vector length nsim                 Gradient in M Stock
## 6     h numeric vector length nsim                     Steepness Stock

The custom parameters are divided into 5 different types: ‘Stock’, ‘Fleet’, ‘Obs’, and ‘Imp’ corresponding to the OM components of the same names, and ‘internal’ for internal operating model parameters that over-ride or ignore the values in the OM slots.

A warning message will alert you if variables appear in the named cpars list that are not in validcpars(), and these will be ignored in the MSE.

27.2 Correlated samples

As the cpars feature is used to provide correlated samples to the MSE, it is important that the same number of custom parameters are provided for each variable. In most cases, this is simply a vector nsim long.

For example, if you wish to supply correlated samples of the von Bertalanffy growth parameters, you would create three vectors of length nsim containing the samples of Linf, K, and t0.

If the vectors are shorter than nsim they will simply be recycled. An error message will alert you if the vectors are not the same length.

As a demonstration, we will use the ForceCor function to generate correlated samples of M, K, L50, and Linf and examine the cpars slot in the resulting OM object:

OM <- ForceCor(DLMtool::testOM)
## Warning: Life-history correlations are now calculated using data from FishBase.
## Consider using `LH2OM` instead.

## List of 4
##  $ M   : num [1:48] 0.382 0.39 0.396 0.353 0.4 ...
##  $ K   : num [1:48] 0.174 0.176 0.187 0.163 0.196 ...
##  $ L50 : num [1:48] 84.8 86.6 88.9 88.3 88 ...
##  $ Linf: num [1:48] 132 132 130 134 128 ...

You can see that the OM@cpars slot is a list of length 4 and contains named vectors with 48 correlated samples of the four parameters.

Because the OM@cpars slot contains these values, the M, K, L50, and Linf values in the OM, e.g. OM@M will be ignored.

Any additional custom parameters can be added to cpars using this same approach. For example, to provide custom (in this case uncorrelated) samples of t0:

OM@cpars$t0 <- runif(OM@cpars, -1, 0)
## List of 5
##  $ M   : num [1:48] 0.382 0.39 0.396 0.353 0.4 ...
##  $ K   : num [1:48] 0.174 0.176 0.187 0.163 0.196 ...
##  $ L50 : num [1:48] 84.8 86.6 88.9 88.3 88 ...
##  $ Linf: num [1:48] 132 132 130 134 128 ...
##  $ t0  : num [1:4] -0.768 -0.759 -0.203 -0.168

27.3 Custom internal parameters

It is also possible to supply custom generated time-varing values or other values to internal parameters using the cpars slot. For example, time-varying natural mortality or selectivity patterns. These are referred to as internal custom parameters.

A list of valid internal cpars can be found by using the validcpars function. Here, for presentation purposes, we print just the first two columns:

val_int <- validcpars('internal')
##           Var.                                                                                                       Dim.
## 1        Cbias                                                                                 numeric vector length nsim
## 2     CAL_bins                                                                                            numeric vector 
## 3  CAL_binsmid                                                                          numeric vector length(CAL_bins)-1
## 4          L95                                                                                 numeric vector length nsim
## 5       Perr_y                                                     numeric matrix dim = c(nsim, maxage+proyears+nyears-1)
## 6  M_at_Length                                                                       numeric matrix dim = c(n.lengths, 3)
## 7        Asize                                                                        numeric matrix dim = c(nsim, narea)
## 8       Karray                                                              numeric matrix dim = c(nsim, nyears+proyears)
## 9    Linfarray                                                              numeric matrix dim = c(nsim, nyears+proyears)
## 10      Marray                                                              numeric matrix dim = c(nsim, nyears+proyears)
## 11       Krand                                                              numeric matrix dim = c(nsim, nyears+proyears)
## 12    Linfrand                                                              numeric matrix dim = c(nsim, nyears+proyears)
## 13       Mrand                                                              numeric matrix dim = c(nsim, nyears+proyears)
## 14        ageM                                                              numeric matrix dim = c(nsim, nyears+proyears)
## 15       age95                                                              numeric matrix dim = c(nsim, nyears+proyears)
## 16  M_ageArray                                                       numeric array dim = c(nsim, maxage, nyears+proyears)
## 17     Mat_age                                                       numeric array dim = c(nsim, maxage, nyears+proyears)
## 18      LatASD                                                       numeric array dim = c(nsim, maxage, nyears+proyears)
## 19      Wt_age                                                       numeric array dim = c(nsim, maxage, nyears+proyears)
## 20     Len_age                                                       numeric array dim = c(nsim, maxage, nyears+proyears)
## 21         mov numeric array dim = c(nsim, maxage, narea, narea) OR  dim = c(nsim, maxage, narea, narea, nyears+proyears)
## 22       initD                                                                                 numeric vector length nsim
## 23    binWidth                                                                                  numeric value of length 1
## 24        Find                                                                       numeric matrix dim = c(nsim, nyears)
## 25     dFfinal                                                                                 numeric vector length nsim
## 26           V                                                       numeric array dim = c(nsim, maxage, nyears+proyears)
## 27        retA                                                       numeric array dim = c(nsim, maxage, nyears+proyears)
## 28        retL                                                     numeric array dim = c(nsim, nCALbins, nyears+proyears)
## 29    lenMbias                                                                                 numeric vector length nsim
## 30       Mbias                                                                                 numeric vector length nsim
## 31       Kbias                                                                                 numeric vector length nsim
## 32      t0bias                                                                                 numeric vector length nsim
## 33    Linfbias                                                                                 numeric vector length nsim
## 34     LFCbias                                                                                 numeric vector length nsim
## 35    FMSYbias                                                                                 numeric vector length nsim
## 36  FMSY_Mbias                                                                                 numeric vector length nsim
## 37 BMSY_B0bias                                                                                 numeric vector length nsim
## 38    Irefbias                                                                                 numeric vector length nsim
## 39    Brefbias                                                                                 numeric vector length nsim
## 40    Crefbias                                                                                 numeric vector length nsim
## 41       Dbias                                                                                 numeric vector length nsim
## 42       hbias                                                                                 numeric vector length nsim
## 43        hsim                                                                                 numeric vector length nsim
## 44        Data                                                                                       Object of class Data
## 45    CostCurr                                                                                 numeric vector length nsim
## 46     RevCurr                                                                                 numeric vector length nsim
## 47    Response                                                                                 numeric vector length nsim
## 48     CostInc                                                                                 numeric vector length nsim
## 49      RevInc                                                                                 numeric vector length nsim
## 50   LatentEff                                                                                 numeric vector length nsim
## 51     AddIerr                                                                     array dim nsim, n.ind, nyears+proyears
## 52    AddIbeta                                                                            matrix nrow=nsim and ncol=n.ind

We can see that there are 52 valid internal cpars. The internal cpars are parameters that are derived from one or more of the OM slots.

For example, M_ageArray is an internal array that describes the natural mortality rate at age for each simulation and year. Typically, this array is derived from the M, M2, Mexp, Mgrad and Msd slots in the Stock object. Using the cpars feature we can override these values in the OM and provide our own values for M for each simulation, age, and year.

Information on the M_ageArray variable in cpars can be found in the output of the validcpars function:

##     Var.                                          Dim.                                      Desc.     Type
## 15 age95 numeric matrix dim = c(nsim, nyears+proyears) Age at 95% maturity by simulation and year internal

To generate our own values of the M-at-age array we would populate OM@cpars$M_ageArray with an array with dimensions OM@nsim, OM@maxage, OM@nyears+OM@proyears.

The cpars feature is very powerful but also somewhat complicated, especially if you are using internal custom parameters. For example, by default DLMtool uses the OM@L50_95 slot (the increment between length at 50% maturity (OM@L50) and length at 95% maturity (L95)) to calculate the internal parameter L95. This is neccessary to ensure that L95 is always greater than L50. Using internal parameters in cpars it is possible to pass values to L95 directly, however now it is up to you to make sure that the L95 values are greater than the corresponding L50 values, otherwise you end up with a species where fraction mature decreases with age/size!

OM <- testOM 
OM@cpars$L95 <- rep(80, OM@nsim)
temp <- runMSE(OM, Hist=TRUE)
## Loading operating model
## valid custom parameters (OM@cpars) found: 
## L95
## Optimizing for user-specified movement
## Optimizing for user-specified depletion in last historical year
## 7 simulations have final biomass that is not close to sampled depletion
## Re-sampling depletion, recruitment error, and fishing effort
## Calculating historical stock and fishing dynamics
## Calculating MSY reference points for each year
## Calculating B-low reference points
## Calculating reference yield - best fixed F strategy
## Simulating observed data
## Returning historical simulations
data.frame(L50=temp@SampPars$L50, L95=temp@SampPars$L95, diff=temp@SampPars$L95 - temp@SampPars$L50)
##         L50 L95       diff
## 1  89.29632  80  -9.296324
## 2  85.94840  80  -5.948397
## 3  83.02974  80  -3.029737
## 4  82.72569  80  -2.725685
## 5  87.00959  80  -7.009591
## 6  82.88771  80  -2.887705
## 7  90.17793  80 -10.177931
## 8  83.81742  80  -3.817423
## 9  87.81777  80  -7.817765
## 10 84.97352  80  -4.973519
## 11 88.37993  80  -8.379927
## 12 87.54484  80  -7.544837
## 13 89.68775  80  -9.687752
## 14 90.60570  80 -10.605700
## 15 90.11753  80 -10.117530
## 16 89.93550  80  -9.935500
## 17 83.79199  80  -3.791989
## 18 82.63972  80  -2.639718
## 19 85.90402  80  -5.904019
## 20 89.30135  80  -9.301353
## 21 86.76698  80  -6.766979
## 22 83.99262  80  -3.992624
## 23 88.38363  80  -8.383626
## 24 84.21836  80  -4.218363
## 25 81.24307  80  -1.243072
## 26 81.36054  80  -1.360544
## 27 83.45353  80  -3.453532
## 28 86.99403  80  -6.994028
## 29 83.24743  80  -3.247426
## 30 87.87676  80  -7.876755
## 31 82.32874  80  -2.328738
## 32 86.58952  80  -6.589517
## 33 90.09740  80 -10.097400
## 34 84.91566  80  -4.915659
## 35 83.48538  80  -3.485384
## 36 90.99788  80 -10.997882
## 37 85.78385  80  -5.783854
## 38 90.74749  80 -10.747493
## 39 83.28700  80  -3.286995
## 40 84.65751  80  -4.657509
## 41 88.04526  80  -8.045262
## 42 82.42479  80  -2.424794
## 43 84.60668  80  -4.606678
## 44 84.31737  80  -4.317373
## 45 90.17543  80 -10.175434
## 46 89.00868  80  -9.008677
## 47 85.91241  80  -5.912413
## 48 86.02250  80  -6.022501
plot(1:OM@maxage, temp@AtAge$Maturity[1,,1], type="l", 
     xlab="Age", ylab="Maturity")

We have tried to include checks to ensure the model is simulating credible population dynamics, but as this somewhat contrived example shows, care is needed when using OM@cpars to specify internal parameters. We recommend first running the model with Hist=TRUE as in the above example and examining the generated values to ensure the parameters you have added in OM@cpars are being used as expected.

If you find that this is a feature you wish to use but are unclear how to do it, bug us with an email!